Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Yearly MRI

Oriana with her french hair cut after finding uncountable numbers of lice in mid-July (breeding since June) and her cousin Etta.

Their Grandpa Carey with a now-adays girly haircut on his grandpa's knee.

My Father is standing at Left. His cousins and Grandpa with him.

Tomorrow at 6:45 am will will head over to Maine Medical for Oriana's yearly MRI. i did good today purchasing her toy that will entertain and distract her from any anxiety she may feel leading up to the procedure. At good ol' Rite Aid I found a cute little body lotion/body spray/lo fa sponge in a sipper pouch and for 50% off for the second purchase (can't resist sometimes) I got her these cute confetti bath bubble stuff. Those things were for the pretty factor, and then for the distraction part I got her this electronic word find game. She was thrilled with both!!! Yeah for me!

For the most part, I don't worry too much anymore about the MRIs, because I have learned the grand art of "not thinking" when it comes to certain things, but I did find myself overly sensitive when we went for her "heart and lung" last week at the pediatrician. We showed up at the time I wrote on my calendar a month ago, to be told rather testily by the receptionist that we were a half hour late. Then again this was pointed out by the attending nurse. When I explained my position, the nurse paused, and then with a "I gotcha" attitude declared, "I called you yesterday and confirmed the time, yes, I did!" I have loved our pediatric practice for the past 10 years, but this was enough to have me walking out the door, and/or bursting into tears. The doc. of course was all apologetic, but I have to say, the rest of the staff needs to learn the meaning behind the saying, "the customer is always right". Looking for new pediatrician is now added to my long list of to-do's.

My mother is turning 81 and my father is turning 88 this month. I am making them both photo albums using the photo company I have used since I was 13!!! York Color Photo Labs may not be the hippest site, but it has great prices and sales. For $19.95 you can make a hard cover, 20 page photo book. They have lots of fun backgrounds, layouts and boarders. For my father's book I have scanned some childhood photos of his which I am trying to pair with current family photos of his kids and grandkids that have similarities (ie. the kids show the same genetic pool, or groupings of people are similar.) I'm having fun. Here are some of the photos:

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Willa! I really enjoyed reading it and will be sure to tune in again!
    I will have to check out York Color Photo Lab! Thanks for the tip! Love all of the photo's, too! Hope tommorrow's MRI comes and goes with little anxiety for you all! Best wishes, Jennifer Libby-Barnes
